Politics and Fun

Politics has meaning, politics has game and order. Without politics it is clearly not the same. The world is politics and politics is the world. Everything is together. When you think about it, everything is perfectly intertwined, complex and simple at the same time. So I am not a politician, I am not a political expert, I am not an analyst. I just follow politics casually. But I am interested in politics. I have also subscribed to political journals on economics and economics.

Politika je po celém světě různorodá.

about Czech political events as well. I always enjoy it quite a bit. In the beginning, I wasn\’t watching the various political scenes to see who would win or anything like that, I just enjoyed watching people arguing and throwing mud at each other. Unfortunately, mud slinging is quite normal in politics. Not a good thing, of course. I don\’t like it. I prefer to resolve all issues verbally and logically, preferably with an impartial party. Be it the opinion of one political party or another.

Politika není všude stejná.

No two are the same and in most cases two parties at war with each other will almost 100% never agree. Even if they agree internally, they will never agree on the same point of view. Politics is for fighting among themselves. Politics is for fighting among the political arena. There are different political clubs, and fans of different parties go there too. Or there are chat rooms, online studios, sites with popular politicians and women politicians. There are even political parties. Some people go there and have fun. They are like fan groups on the Internet, and believe me, there are so many.

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