Miracles of Technology

Today, it is quite normal for us humans to fly. It is a means of transportation that has become quite obsolete for us. I have been on many airplanes myself. But even though flying has become as commonplace for me as taking the bus or train, I am always surprised anew when I board an airplane, especially at the airport. And I marvel at the sophisticated machines that mankind has discovered.

From the outside, such planes often impress me. And the bigger they are, the more impressive they are. Because it is almost unimaginable to fly such a thing in the air. Even with hundreds of people inside. For example, it would take three of the largest commercial transport planes to fly my entire home village. And this is not some remote village.

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Then one cannot help but be fascinated when one finds out what the cabin looks like. What is visible and what is known and hidden. For example, how did they test that the oxygen masks work perfectly? Who figured out how to make the monitors work in every seat on some planes? Who figured out how to make the galleys work on long-haul flights? And who came up with a toilet that would allow travel without having to haul dozens of cubic meters of water?

And what is especially fascinating is what is connected in an airplane and what works together to make one perfect whole. The wings, the rudder, the engine, the propeller, the fuel tank, which pipes to run where, where to place the power lines …… [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] And how is the cockpit equipped? Even though I have seen many videos and pictures, I have no idea what most of those gadgets are for. So I just silently marvel at these marvels of technology. We wingless humans can fly much higher than any bird. And we can usually get where we want to go without falling.


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