Independent helpers

Yes, I\’m talking about robots. The vacuum cleaner does everything itself and we just check how it works. It is not just a “classic” substitute. It cleans independently and regularly. It works frequently, so there is less dirt in the house. Not only on floors, but on other surfaces as well. Many homes are already “sneakily” cleaned. There are several reasons why they should be introduced in our homes.
ovládání vysavače

It pays close attention and saves time
This device cleans scientifically. It is equipped with an optical sensor that sees better than we do. This sensor detects how the surface is being cleaned and if there is dust or other dirt. When it reaches an area that is dirty, it switches to a higher power mode. It also memorizes it and visits there more often. Dust, crumbs, and pet hair (very suitable for pet-owning households) are all gone, and the house is clean. It saves time and effort.

They can handle even the toughest “terrain.”
Today\’s robot vacuums are smarter than the first models. Not only are they equipped with sensors to avoid obstacles, but they are also protected against the possibility of falling from heights. No need to worry about the helper falling down the stairs or out of a closet (even there, it can be safely “launched” to higher ground)
uklízečka s mopem

Environmentally friendly
With it in your home, there is no need to buy products to sanitize your floors. Not only does it keep them clean, but it also disinfects them; it does so using technology that uses UV lamps and silver nanoparticles. Both bacteria and dust mites are removed. In this respect, the new models are up to 99% efficient. Thus, these vacuum cleaners are very suitable for homes with allergies. 25]

This is truly a self-contained model. At first glance, the hopper does not appear to be large, but it need not be. Thanks to the auto-empty feature, it is “bottomless”. When it is full, it stops working and moves to a station to empty. Here it is also recharged as needed.

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