How to organize your time on the Internet

The Internet has penetrated our lives and fundamentally changed them completely. Now virtually everyone has access to it, and we can say that we can not do without it – it is often needed at work and children are entertainment therefore often spend more time than healthy time, especially if watching movies and TV shows on streaming services or playing games. It is no wonder that this is not the case.

This problem is especially noticeable in children who are much more easily affected and have not yet developed self-control, but many adults also do not avoid it. It is clear that something needs to be done about it, but what?

surfování po internetu

The best way to do this is to limit the time you spend on the Internet. But the question is how to set it up so that we are satisfied, but at the same time we did not have much of it. Fortunately, you can follow some important rules.

First, sit down and calculate the time spent on the network for employment. Whether it\’s answering emails, filling out documents or communicating with customers, procrastination does not count, but in fact only the time you spend on work. This is the minimum time you need and therefore the minimum time you simply need the Internet. It is recommended to add extra time in case of unexpected work events or problems.

internet je návykový

Of course, we also can not forget the fun. Taking it away would certainly not be appropriate, but we should not overdo it. It is recommended to spend 1-2 hours on the Internet. So you can also read private emails, watch social networks and watch movies.

However, of course, you have to spend the rest of the day away from the screen, except in really urgent cases. It will benefit both your body and your spirit, especially not wandering around the net, but, for example, including walking in nature, you will see how the outlook of life gradually changes for the better.

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