Sometimes it\’s hard to accept the fact that you can\’t afford as many things as you could when you were single and had no children. While it is true that children cost money, the honest truth is that life without children leaves you lacking many things. Life without children lacks much meaning. So it is important to be able to allocate money well. Explain to your children your financial situation and tell them that it is impossible for them to want such expensive gifts for Christmas. Don\’t spoil your children and buy only what is really important and practical.
Of course, it is difficult to advise your children to cut corners because they are so cute when they beg, but you need to be clear about what to buy and what is already too expensive. 10] Establish a budget and monthly payment needs Calculate the Be sure to set aside some money for energy bills, mortgage, and unexpected expenses (you never know what might break, so it\’s good to be prepared for that). Write down how much you spend on average on groceries and children\’s clubs. If your list fits into your monthly income, you can make list 2. However, this is already that extra amount. So write down what you want to buy this month, or if someone in your community has a birthday and you need to provide that gift. You can also include things you plan to repair or things you want to add to your home. You can also include a few things that you would not normally dare to buy. There is nothing wrong with having a big dream, and keeping it visible (I suggest putting it on your refrigerator) will inspire you to work as hard as you can to make that dream come true one day, and will bring you closer to your dream every day.
Just always check at the beginning of each month what unexpected expenses you will be faced with, i.e., maybe the kids will be going on a spa trip, or maybe it is not Christmas and you will be looking for gifts for the whole family, etc. Keep in mind. Always keep an eye on where the family budget is headed and where it shouldn\’t be headed.