Even companies are protecting themselves from the virus

Everyone is probably following the current status of the new coronavirus, aka covid-19. This epidemic, now called a pandemic, is being talked about everywhere: on TV, radio, and the Internet. We hear daily from the media about new government regulations. But private companies are also informing their employees and announcing regulations and restrictions.online meeting

Some regulations are not at all pleasant for employees, especially if they involve income limits for employees, but some are pleasant surprises for employers. Some examples are listed below.

Home Office

Home office (telecommuting) is the most common way companies try to protect their employees. As long as they have a company computer and a telephone, they can continue working without any restrictions in most cases. Regular meetings can be substituted with video conferencing software such as Skype.

Increased Sick Days

Sick days are days when employees are available anytime they are sick. Each company defines how many of these days it will give in a year. However, some companies have recently increased the number of sick days to 14, allowing sick days only for employees who have no possibility of working at home, must take care of children under 10 years old, or who must be quarantined for international business trips.home office

Business travel prohibited

It is common for many people to have to travel as part of their job. Travel is now more controlled, approved at several levels, and only allowed when absolutely necessary.

Prohibition of visitors

This is another measure currently applied by companies. Entry to the premises of a person who is not an employee of the enterprise in question is prohibited, but only if the visit is not necessary and if the enterprise\’s operations would be jeopardized without the visit. 34]

Are you suffering from a cold?

This information is also sent internally to all employees. Employees with flu symptoms such as headache, shortness of breath, or cough should stay home. Employees who do not comply with this rule risk being sent home immediately by their supervisors and still be disrespected.

Sales Representatives

Of course, some occupations make it difficult to avoid contact with others. Take, for example, salespeople, who travel around the country and meet with different groups of people on a daily basis. Companies also consider them, and if it is deemed unsafe for the employee in question to travel to a certain area, he or she is temporarily transferred to another location or the company arranges another job for him or her.

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